285 Widget Templates to Help You Increase Your Website Conversion

Price calculator for a car from the dealership

Collects answers from visitors who want to find out how much a car they want to buy costs at the dealership

Application form to select a last minute tour

Collects applications from visitors who would like to select a cost-effective last minute tour

Product Satisfaction Survey Quiz

Product satisfaction survey quiz with questions for evaluating customer service experience, process evaluation etc.

Christmas Wall Lights Order Form

Collects applications from visitors who would like to order Christmas Wall Lights

Women's Halloween Costume Order Form

Collects applications from visitors who would like to order Women's Halloween Costume

Christmas Tree Order Form

Collects applications from visitors who would like to order Christmas Tree

Customer service survey questions form

Form consists of questions that evaluate the real level of service that a customer received while interacting with your brand

Product use satisfaction form

Form with questions for evaluating product use, satisfaction and attribute

Order/delivery tracking form

Allows customers to track an order. Collects contacts of customers

Bug Tracker Form

Allows clients to report issues in your software

Patient admission form

Collects quick records of all incoming patients

Course Application form

Streamlines the tedious student application process for a course in a University

Product review form

Requests consumer reports and service feedback from your customers

Library membership registration form

Creates memberships for your library and keep track of all the books in circulation

Reunion Form

Tracks down the alumni of your institution. Collects contacts and creates a hassle-free RSVP list

Contact us form

Establishs personal contact with customers, accept business enquiries and receive feedback emails

Personality quiz

Helps understand what kind of leader are you. Collects contacts of visitors

Viral Social Quiz

Collects email adresses and visitors' answers to generate a person's "Dragon name"