34 Widgets to Help Teachers and Coaches Increase Conversion of Their Websites and Sell Courses More Efficiently

Creating FOMO

Collects emails of visitors who would like to increase conversion

Special offer

Collects emails of visitors who would like a chance to win a cash prize

Lead magnet

Widget creates FOMO and offers the first lesson for free, but only if you provide your email

Quiz launcher

Launches a quiz, in the end of which the visitor finds out whether he is good at business


Collects emails of visitors who would like to get the advertising spaces database as a gift

Lead magnet

Collects emails of visitors who are ready to subscribe in exchange for a discount

Callback offer

Collects phone numbers of visitors, who are curious what the business coach can offer

An opportunity to win a discount on new course

Collects emails of visitors who want to win a 20% discount on new Online Marketing course

A chance to win a discount to the new course

Visitor finds 3 Easter eggs, subscribes and gets a 50% discount on the new training course

A draw for a 50% discount on personal coaching

Collects emails of visitors who want to win a 50% discount on personal coaching

Online workshop registration form

Visitors register for an online workshop by leaving their contacts and receive gifts in return

Course Application form

Streamlines the tedious student application process for a course in a University

Library membership registration form

Creates memberships for your library and keep track of all the books in circulation

Reunion Form

Tracks down the alumni of your institution. Collects contacts and creates a hassle-free RSVP list

Personality quiz

Helps understand what kind of leader are you. Collects contacts of visitors

Viral Social Quiz

Collects email adresses and visitors' answers to generate a person's "Dragon name"

Language Quiz

Collects contacts of visitors who pass the quiz "Chinese, Japanese or Korean?"

General Knowledge Quiz

Collects contacts of visitors who pass this General Knowledge Quiz

Wrapping Gifts Quiz Landing Page

Wrapping gifts landing page collects emails of visitors who pass this quiz

Free Consultation Quiz Landing Page

Quiz Landing Page collects applications for a free consultation with a business coach

Car Loan Calculator Quiz Landing Page

Car loan quiz landing page collects contacts of visitors who would like to calculate their monthly payments

Travel Quiz Landing Page

Landing page collects emails of visitors who pass this travel quiz

Digital Agency Lead Gen

Quiz landing page collects contacts of visitors who want to know about full digital agency offering