35 Widget Templates to Help You Increase Your Website Conversion

Chat for sales

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to buy new course with a 50% discount

Special offer for installing plastic windows

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to get a 10% discount on plastic windows


Opens WhatsApp chat to leave a review about a repair company

Online consultation

A click on the widget will open WhatsApp chat window with a lawyer consultant

Support chat

Opens WhatsApp chat to get a support from the specialist

Free consultation with your coach

A click on the widget will open WhatsApp chat with your coach

To enroll in a beta tester group

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to enroll in a beta tester group

Technical support

A click on the widget will open WhatsApp chat window with technical support team

Free consultation on installing widgets

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to get a free consultation on installing widgets

Special offer

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to get a 10% discount on the new smartphone


Opens WhatsApp chat window to leave a review about online store


A click on the green widget will open WhatsApp chat with a sales consultant

Chat for sales

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to get a 20% discount on dental implants

Feedback chat

Opens WhatsApp chat to leave feedback and get a free initial consultation

online doctor consultation

A click on the trigger will open WhatsApp chat with a doctor

Sales chat

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to choose a deposit with the highest rate

Feedback from your customers

A click on the widget will open WhatsApp chat window to leave a feedback about financial service

Free investment consultation

Opens WhatsApp chat with visitors who would like to get a free investment consultation